How was life like in YFC?
How did you grow in this community?
What is your commitment to God?
Some of us came from the Love Team Youth Camp, and the thrill of renewing a relationship with Him was still there. Some of us have been in this community for years, but yet it is still essential for us to ask how committed we still are to God.
Love compels us to grow, this we believe in. We are consumed by His love. And that must compel us to live well, and to live with a commitment of love for Him.
What's your commitment?
Speaker: Osep Reyes 3 AB Comm (AVP for Evange)
Sharers: James M, 2 BFA ID | Chelsea Ballesteros, 2 AB POS | Red Bernaldez, 4 BS MIS
Worship led by: Jake Flores, 4 AB POS
August 13, 2008
August 13, 2008